Monday, October 10, 2011

God's Wrath is Satisfied

My very good friend, Adam Buzard, tweeted a link that led to this video:

On Twitter, I would have had 140 characters. I had more to say than I wanted to just put there.

Driscoll didn't go far enough, in my opinion. God hates sinners, and I, even as a Christian, even as a man training to be a pastor, am chief of them. He must damn me because He is just. God hates all sinners, and there are no perfect people... save one.

And yet, God poured out His wrath on the only one who never deserved God's hatred, the perfect God-man, Jesus Christ, who takes God's wrath to Himself, accepts it's vengeful flow, and dies.

It's not fair, it's not right, it's not good that Jesus was judged as Sin itself, because you yourself deserved it. But He has granted His perfection to us so that God does not pour His wrath on us who deserve it. He has granted His righteousness to those who believe and are baptized into His death and raised to new life, not by their own power (since how can a dead man come back to life by his own power), but by God's own power and Holy Spirit.

Therefore, while we are sinners and deserve judgement, only those in Him may expect and even demand salvation since judgement has already been carried out for their sake on the person of Jesus Christ. God must hate me, since I am a sinner. But instead of hating me, He hated Christ for me.

That's more than 140 characters, too. But I needed to say it. =)

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