Friday, December 16, 2011

Repentance and Our Need for Advent, with Pr. Matt Harrison, 12/14/2011

Issues, Etc. had on their program President Harrison on December 14, 2011 (you can hear the program by clicking the link below).  He was speaking of the mistreatment of pastors and how it's related to the idea that the Gospel disappears quite quickly. The full quote of President Harrison is below and I love this. Ah, American Christianity... (Think not we Lutherans are immune, for the mistreatment of pastors brings about this same problem, this absconding of the Gospel.)

“Let us remember our former misery, and the darkness in which we dwelt. Germany, I am sure, has never before heard so much of God’s word as it is hearing today; certainly we read nothing of it in history. If we let it just slip by without thanks and honor, I fear we shall suffer a still more dreadful darkness and plague. O my beloved Germans, buy while the market is at your door; gather in the harvest while there is sunshine and fair weather; make use of God’s grace and word while it is there! For you should know that God’s word and grace is like a passing shower of rain which does not return where it has once been. It has been with the Jews, but when it’s gone it’s gone, and now they have nothing. Paul brought it to the Greeks; but again when it’s gone it’s gone, and now they have the Turk. Rome and the Latins also had it; but when it’s gone it’s gone, and now they have the pope. And you Germans need not think that you will have it forever, for ingratitude and contempt will not make it stay. Therefore, seize it and hold it fast, whoever can; for lazy hands are bound to have a lean year.”

~ Pastor Martin Luther (LW 45:352)

Repentance and Our Need for Advent, with Pr. Matt Harrison, 12/14/2011

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